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Our Book is Available!

Well, even though this feels like the 10,000th step in this adventure, in many ways it's only the first step! The True Adventures of Gidon Lev is available as a paperback and ebook on Amazon! It will also be available through other outlets, so stay tuned!

These are very early days and we hope to get good reviews and as importantly, we hope that this book will invite interesting conversations about the importance of history and of context, about intolerance - and tolerance - and how to live a life worth living. The virus prevents Gidon and I from getting our own hard copy for another couple of weeks which is a shame but we will overcome that before long. I have two dearest wishes: One, to see Gidon holding this book in his hands - it is a dream come true for him, and two, to see this book get out into the world of discourse and conversation. Fingers crossed and of course, the true adventures of Gidon Lev continue on a daily basis, so stay updated here on our blog!


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