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The True Adventures of an Endless Summer

It has been an action-packed summer for Gidon and me so far! So much has been going on!

In June, Gidon took me traveling in the Galil region of Northern Israel and we spent a couple of lovely days at Vered HaGalil where we heard the jackals yipping at night and saw the lights twinkling on Lake Kinneret. We walked through the Hula Valley Nature Preserve, went to Kiryat Shmone and visited Tsfat which was as magical as I had imagined, and of course stopped by to visit four of Gidon's 15 grandchildren near Acre.


Only a few days ago, cute little Niri was born, making Gidon a great-grandfather two times over! In Hebrew, great-grandfather is "saba raba." Gidon couldn't be prouder.

Our really big news is that filmmaker and director Yaniv Rokah arrived in Israel in late June and began filming for the documentary about Gidon and me. It is definitely nerve-wracking to be filmed but Yaniv and his crew made us comfortable as they rode around with us as we delivered flowers, went swimming, did our errands and as Gidon volunteered teaching English for the Jaffa Institute. Talk about a True Adventure!

Yaniv is the director of the award winning short film The Black Hat as well as Queen Mimi, a feature documentary, so we are in very good hands!

We also went to a book fair of local Israeli writers that was held in the Dizengoff Center and met lots of new people and made new friends. In fact, we are going to visit Northern Israel once again, in the Misgav area, to visit with Israeli writer Debbie Shafrir Keret (in the photo below.)

We are attending the Docaviv Film Festival virtually - in Israel we can go to theaters now but it's SO hot lately that Gidon and I have been watching the Docaviv films online. Yesterday we saw The Meaning of Hitler and let me tell you, we were both very shaken up by it. This evening we plan to select another film and so on until July 14th, so we'll be busy!

Also in June, Gidon was interviewed by the amazing, kind Les Glassman about his Holocaust experience and that can be viewed on Youtube.

I have been teaching classes for writers on Zoom which has been really fun; I'll be adding more classes as time progresses.

If you have already read The True Adventures but didn't get a chance to leave us a review on Amazon or Goodreads, we would really appreciate it if you would take a moment to do so. Every positive review is a very good thing.

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